- "Excellent" in Mergers and Acquisitions - Financial Assessment of auditing firms & public accounting.
- "Strong reputation" in Private Equity - Transaction Services of the best auditing & accounting firms.
- "Strong reputation" in Litigation & Arbitration - Litigation support for the best consulting firms.
- "Strong reputation" in Private Equity - Transaction Services of the best auditing & accounting firms.
- "Strong reputation" in Litigation & Arbitration - Litigation support for the best consulting firms.

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NG Finance assisted Sevetys in its Interest Rate Valuation
October 14, 2024

A few words from the partner

Jacques-Henri Hacquin Partner
"The spirit of the firm is based on the willingness of our team to support and put our financial skills to the service of our clients in a limited time. We treat every issue with ethics and quality, on that the trust of our customers depends. "
Member of AFITE (Association for Financing and Transfer of Companies). AFITE is an association approved by the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers) and asks about the compliance of the activity of its members.

The partners are members of the SFAF (French Society of Financial Analysts). As a result, they are bound to respect the financial law sand to guarantee the primacy of their customers interests. This means working with in an objective mindset, fairness and equity.

Our team carries as a priority finance principles and fundamentals. NG Finance teaches in several academic programs, especially at Sciences Po Paris in Financial Valuation.

Regular interventions at the French Association of Investors for Growth (France Invest).

Member of the DFCG (Association of Financial Directors and Management Control).